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Colorful Lights

The Emotion Code

What Is The Emotion Code?

Created by Dr. Bradley Nelson (D.C., ret) after more than 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher, The Emotion Code® is designed to help you:



  • Resolve physical discomfort

  • Ease emotional wounds

  • Restore love to relationships

  • Break cycles of self-sabotage



In his work as a holistic chiropractor, Dr. Nelson discovered that his patients' aches and pains were often more than physical, but also emotional. He coined the phrase "Trapped Emotions" to describe the negative emotional energy that may become trapped in a person's body during a trying time. It's our premise that when the negative energy of troubling emotions becomes trapped in the energy field of the body, it can cause:


  • Chronic health problems

  • Tendencies toward sadness

  • Anxiousness or fear

  • Inability to give and accept love

  • Bodily malfunction and disease



The Emotion Code® is used to

discover and release possible

underlying energetic causes. Using

it could help ease physical

discomforts, overcome emotional

distress and negative thinking,

conquer self-doubt, and more.

Orange Blossom


How trapped emotions might be holding you back.


Which emotions they are and where they may have come from.


Those potentially harmful energies in moments.


Yourself to restore emotional and physical balance.

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